I'm a full-stack web developer with a passion for solving problems. Currently I am looking for the opportunity to join a dev team and keep doing, building, and learning.
My prior experience in live broadcasting has taught me a lot about efficency, working with a deadline, priority management, and breaking a big task into smaller, more manageable pieces. Sounds similar to programming right? Both do work behind the scenes to make what you see really stand out.
Those things combined with the seemingly endless avenues this field can take you, all drew me to web-development, and it's been all I had hoped and then some. One of my favorite things is when I encounter what feels like an insurmountable challenge, and the feeling of exhiliration and accomplishment that rushes through when I figure it out.
A tic tac toe game coded in JavaScript, which allows registered/signed-in users to play local games of tic tac toe against an opponent and tracks the amount of games played.
The Games Library app is a full-stack app built in JavaScript and Ruby on Rails. It is designed to allow users to input games they own into a database, allowing centralized storage for your games owned. So if you're considering buying something but can't remember if you own it already, you can check the app find out.
Teaming with two other developers, we built an app on which users can create their own publicly-viewable pages and blogs using Express.js for the backend, JavaScript for the front end and Git for version control.
TimeSplitter is a full-stack application, my first attempt at using the Ember.js framework for the front end, and Ruby on Rails for the backend. This app allows users to input and track tasks and activities privately in a database.
Completed a 12-week, 600+ hour immersive web development program in which I developed and deployed full-stack web apps, individually and with a team, all while utilizing industry-best practices.
Operated as executive producer with a five-person team to produce 175+ live game broadcasts per season aired over 60+ stations.
Troubleshot technical issues on the front and back end of the broadcast prior to and during live baseball games
Created and continually updated broadcast format and other in-house documentation